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Breeding for silvercurls - Gotland class for breeders - Vermont July 15th 2019.

Breeder in North eastern U.S.A? Join the class @VTGrandViewFarm in Vermont

July 15th 2019

Register here:

Breeding for silvercurls - Gotland Sheep Selection & Evaluation

Aim of class

This 1-day class gives students basic knowledge about the common evaluation system for

selection of Gotland sheep in their country of origin, Sweden. Participants will learn more

about selection tools used to gain quality and uniformity in color, curls, wool type and how to

identify less desirable traits.

Useful information for anyone interested in the Gotland sheep, their history, wool and

selection made to gain progress in a breeding programme.

This is an interactive class, students will be given time to use some theory around

wool quality parameters in practice

Class schedule

History of the Gotland Sheep

Swedish Breed Standard

Basic Genetics & Genetic tools

Records - why keeping track of things is key

Wool quality - parameters and evaluation

Hands-on demonstration using pelts.

Body Conformation, Growth rate & other important traits.

Evaluation & Selection of lambs for breeding

Practical details:

Bring a note book

Drinks & snacks available during the day for a small fee.

All skill / experience levels welcome!

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